Weight Loss Motivation

I alluded some mini skein madness in my post about my scrappy memory blanket. Well I have been working steadily on my both my health and fitness after PB. I mean breastfeeding can only burn so many calories and I have added more to my physique with two children than I would like. I am still working on a fitness routine that works as a mom of two very high needs children. But I have been doing much better on both the quality and quantity of food that I’m consuming.

DISCLAIMER: I’m not here to preach or tell anyone how or when they should lose weight or what they should eat. I know my body and it’s chemistry and where I am most happiest at. And I think everyone should live where they are most happiest. I just know I could be living a better life. That being said, as a mom sometimes you tend to put yourself last. And that’s TOTALLY me, so queue some motivation for this momma.

I saw Row One yarn minis on the Grocery Girls podcast. And I thought to myself, if can make some monthly goals and health habits then I am going to sign up for a month. And I hit my targets and got a lovely package that contained Squishy sock yarn from McMullin Fiber Co.

I set some more goals and more healthy habits for month two and you guys….the yarn was an excellent carrot. So after I hit my marks, I let my subscription roll and I got a second reward. This time it was some Matte Sock from Lichen and Lace.

I’m feeling healthier and more able to keep up with the demands of a working mother of two. AND I get to add some squishy bits of yarn to my memory blanket! I am guessing I will have some months where it’s not as good and I will probably keep my “motivation” fresh. I really just want to be as healthy as I can to be the best mom and wife.

Fingers crossed for month three!!

P.S. what I’m not spending on soda and junky fast food lunches in a month more than paid for my yarn subscription. It was humbling and eye opening…..


13 thoughts on “Weight Loss Motivation

  1. What a great idea to use yarn as your reward! How many times do we use food (namely cake!) as our treat for being healthy all week?! I’m going to do this, although I may switch between yarn and fabric. Great idea!

  2. Congratulations on finding your own way in this battle and a great motivation. I wish I had your strength when I was a young mother! I was overweight during the raising of my three children…not overly, but enough that it bothered me. My kids are now grown and I did eventually lose the weight through Weight Watchers, then even more as a side effect of a med for chronic pain. I wish I had been this weight all my life, I finally feel comfortable. I applaud you for doing it now, while your kids are young, and YOU are!

  3. You go! I only have one little Peanut but I also put myself dead last. Right now we’re trying to get on a good sleep schedule and add a weekly hike to our activity. Maybe we just need the right carrot to get us on track!

  4. Pingback: Mini Madness | My Tangled Yarn Knitting Adventures

  5. I’ve lost 80lbs+ since May 10th, 2018, by doing a vegan diet I’ve created. I write about it every Tuesday on my website, on WordPress. Good luck. Losing weight is hard work if you are taking the exercise route. I didn’t have to exercise to lose this amount…and counting!

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