Go Patriots! Socks

After some success with my husband’s Heritage Vanilla Socks I decided to start a second pair for him without finishing the first pair.  I pulled the Berry Colorful Yarning Pats color way from my 2016 Sock Experiment and got to work!

  I’ve divided and wound the yarn into tw cakes. This will be a 72 stitch vanilla socks on size US 2 nine inch circs with a 60% afterthought heel. The hubby requested tighter running around the ankle so I may take the ribbed cuff down to 68 stitches to see how he likes that.

As I wound this yarn I was also careful to make each ball start with in same portion of the stripes. This way these babies will match. I lost a tiny bit of yardage due to this. After consulting the hubby we decided on contrasting heels and toes to make up the difference. He chose some Serenity Sock weight by Deborah Norville from my stash…in black. Not my choice but these are his socks, lol.

This project also helps me with my 2015 Pigskin Party KAL points total. I get bonus points for using a KAL sponsor product! Now I just have to get these knit before the super bowl…

Happy Knitting!

3 thoughts on “Go Patriots! Socks

  1. Pingback: WIP Wednesday: Go Patriots! Socks | My Tangled Yarn Knitting Adventures

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